− Searles Group Fall 2021 −

Left to Right: Peijie Hu, Alexander Stant, Rahul Koottanil Haridasan, Reece Johnson, Nicole Giorgi, Kattayani Sarkar, Alex Bottorff, James Pugh
Missing: Eduardo Landaeta

Spring 2020
Left to Right: Eduardo Landaeta, Anthony Mayor, Reece Johnson, Nicole Giorgi, Rahul Koottanil Haridasan, Peijie Hu, Atul, Chaudhary
Interested in joining the group?
The Searles Group is always seeking new members who are hardworking and enthusiastic about pushing the frontiers of science.
Prospective graduate students should apply directly through the UF Chemistry Graduate Program.
Postdocs with external funding who are interested in joining the group should contact Keith directly.